FEATURE MODEL: March 2011        Tinkerbell

Tinkerbell - a 7 1/4 gauge Freelance loco built by Phil Bellaney

Tinkerbell is based on the design by Roger Marsh from the UK.  Roger set out to build the smallest 7 1/4 loco where the driver sits in the loco rather than on a tender behind. The original was built in 1968 and is still in service today at the Moors Valley Railway in Dorset. Many have been built over the years, and Phil's is a fine example.

Phil's Tinkerbell was completed in November 2010 just before the CSMEE Exhibition.  Alan Stokes started construction and Phil estimates he completed about 75% before Phil took over and completed the model.

Phil reports that having a roof over your head can be a real advantage but on a warm day having your legs so close to the firebox makes for a hot time.  A further benefit of this style of locomotive is that they have generous power output.  When you have a ride behind Phil's Tinkerbell you will see this in action.

Some statistics:

Length 66 ins                          Width 26 ins                       Height 46ins

Grate area 66 sq ins                Coal capacity 20 lbs

Boiler diameter   12.75 ins     Water capacity 5 gallons

No of tubes    16 x 0.75 ins plus 4 x 1.25 ins

Boiler pressure 100 psi (although Phil reports he usually only operates at 80 psi)

Cylinder bore 2.5 ins              Stroke 4.25 ins                  Valve gear   Heywood